Mayor Cllr Steven Baynes
As a resident of Burton Latimer, I have watched the town grow over the past few years.
As well as running a business on the High Street, I am also involved with the local school as a member of the PTFA and also as a parent volunteer.
I look forward to working on events to promote our town to the wider community.
Email: stevenbaynes@hotmail.com

Councillor Jenny Davies
I am 79 years old and a widow. I was a Liberal Democrat councillor in Luton for 34 years and was Deputy Leader of Luton Borough Council.
When my husband died in 2013, I moved to Burton Latimer to be near to my family; this has proved to be a happy move. I was elected to Burton Latimer Town Council in a by-election in September 2016 and re-elected in May 2021. As well as sitting on several committees, I served a term as town mayor.
Over the years I have been involved in many campaigns, most of them against unsuitable developments or the loss of green space. These campaigns led to a particular interest in planning matters; I am currently Chair of Burton Latimer’s Planning Committee. I also have a deep concern for the environment. A long-standing interest in astronomy taught me just how small and vulnerable our lovely planet is—if we mess it up, there is nowhere else to go!
I have always believed that the most important duty of a councillor is to do everything possible to support constituents who have problems or queries.
On a personal level, I am disabled with arthritis, walk short distances with a stick, and use a mobility scooter, which gives me a special interest in the state of the local pavements!
Tel: 01536 723892
Email: cllrjennydavies@gmail.com
Address: 14a Alexandra Street Burton Latimer NN15 5SF

Councillor Maggie Don
I have lived in the borough for almost 40 years, and raised my family here. I was first elected to Kettering Borough Council in 1994, and was deputy leader of the Labour group, and lead spokesperson for housing and the voluntary sector, for many years.
Now retired, but for many years I was the CEO for Kettering Centre for the Unemployed running education courses and providing support to those with little or no basic qualifications.
Following the death of my husband I moved to Burton Latimer 7 years ago, and felt that the time was now right for me to support and get involved in the future of the town.
During 2020 I started walking around the town more, as my permitted exercise and discovered many beautiful areas that I had been unaware of. As a result of which I became a WOMBLE, and am now a bit obsessive about litter.
I am looking forward to serving Burton Town Council, and keen to make sure it provides a voice for the people of the town within the structures of the new Northamptonshire Unitary authority
Email: maggie_don@tiscali.co.uk

Councillor Christopher Groome
I have represented Burton Latimer variously on the town, borough and county councils, with main interests in planning, transport, education and children’s services.
Outside Burton Latimer – but helping Burton residents amongst others – I am chair of the Kettering Old Grammar School Foundation, an educational charity which runs an outdoor activity centre at Govilon in South Wales and gives grants to help young people realise their full potential. I am also chair of LANRAC, the Leicestershire and Northamptonshire Rail Action Comiittee, which campaigns for improved services and electrification of the Midland Main Line through Wellingborough and Kettering.
My main mission is to ensure that the growth in population imposed on us by central government is matched by an enhanced town centre, with a better shopping offer and improved public services. To achieve these objectives I am working with colleagues to ensure that the financial benefits of housing development in Section 106 contributions are spent in Burton Latimer, together with wind farm community payments, so that the town council can kick start the improvements. I am also a great believer in working with others as partners to retain and improve services such as the library and highways.
If you have a contribution to make on any of these topics or other topics, I shall be pleased to hear from you.
Email: Chrisgroome2020@outlook.com
Registrable interest form - Councillor Christopher Groome (PDF, 230.28 Kb)

Councillor Ruth Groome
Cllr Ruth Groome trained as a librarian in Leeds in the 1980s and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. She currently works for the North Northamptonshire Library Service, but in the past she has run commercial and business libraries.
Ruth served as a Kettering Borough Councillor for 26 years and Mayor of the Borough of Kettering 2009/2010. She has been on Burton Latimer Town Council since 2002 and was Mayor of Burton Latimer 2014/2015.
She is a Deacon at Burton Latimer Baptist Church and a local preacher. Ruth is also chairman of Kettering Community Unit which provides training for people who are long term unemployed and runs the Kettering and District Food Bank.
Currently Ruth is Chairman of Burton Latimer Ancient Parish Charity and serves on the Burton Latimer Ex Servicemen’s Association.
In the past Ruth was a Non-Executive Director of the Northamptonshire Heartlands Primary Care Trust.
Ruth is married to Cllr Christopher Groome and they have three grown up sons.
Email: ruthgroome@kettering.gov.uk
Registrable interest form - Councillor Ruth Groome (PDF, 233.92 Kb)

Councillor Fergus Macdonald
I have now lived in Burton Latimer for over thirty years and seen great changes in that time. I have been on the Council for over 12 years and in that time have built up a good rappor with many of the officers in the various administrations; in particular with those concerned with highway matters. I have been the lead on getting the monies from the wind farms ringfenced soley for use within Burton also I was responsible for getting dropped kerbs installed and the grasscrete in Churchill Way to try to preserve the verges
I am keen to try to ensure that Burton Latimer takes full advantage of any opportunities presented by 106 monies and plays an active role in promoting a greener environment.
Email: fergus39@virginmedia.com

Councillor Nigel Padget
I have lived in Burton Latimer for the last 26 years and retired 10 years ago. I am married and have one daughter plus four dogs and one cat!
I am a geologist by profession, and due to office closure, I opted to take early retirement in early 2014. I therefore now have more time available for ‘other’ activities, hence my interest in joining the Town Council. After all, there’s only so much gardening I can cope with!
As a child I, lived and went to school in the area, but my work has meant that I have lived and travelled widely. When my job moved back to London in the late 1990s, I decided to come back to Burton Latimer, where my family has roots (my father was a local GP until his retirement in 1991).
I am church secretary at Burton Latimer Baptist Church and have been involved in community outreach work over several years. Given the change to my working life, I feel that the Town Council gives me an opportunity to ‘payback’ by serving the community as best I can.
I have recently re-joined the Labour Party and actively support the values and core beliefs of the party. As a BLTC councillor, I will adhere to these values, and hopefully this is evident in my service to the community.
My interests are the community, green issues, recreational facilities and planning, and I feel that I will be able to contribute positively to the life of the town.
Email: nigelpadget@gmail.com
Registrable interest form - Councillor Nigel Padget (PDF, 214.41 Kb)

Councillor Murray Scott
Originally from Northolt in West London, I moved to Northamptonshire in 1977 living first in Wellingborough and then Irchester.
My wife, Denise, and I moved to Burton Latimer in 1984, where we have enjoyed a long and happy relationship with the town. Both our girls attended East lea (now St. Mary’s) Primary School, where my wife also worked for several years as a teaching assistant. During the late 90s, I was both a parent governor and also a parent helper, where I was able to share my experience in IT and training to help establish and support their first ICT suite during the fledgling years of the school’s ICT lessons. For a while, at the turn of the century, I edited ‘Focus’ magazine and am currently responsible for preparing burial plots in the Garden of Remembrance in the Parish Church of St. Marys Burton Latimer.
My work career has been varied, spanning design, sales and information technology; training and project management. An eclectic mix of skills, which I hope will bring an equally eclectic influence to our town. I am very keen to encourage and reinforce community engagement, particularly in relation to sustainability and the environment.
Burton Latimer is a growing town with a long history and a bright future, but the responsibility to face the challenges that this growth will inevitably present falls to us all: Young and not so young. We all have a voice and a role to play in ensuring that the needs and wellbeing of our community are met both in the short term and for the benefit of future generations. For this to happen, your voice needs to be heard, and I look forward to helping to facilitate and support this.
Email: m.scott059@btinternet.com

Councillor June Taylor
I have lived in Burton Latimer for 25 years. Some of you will know me from the Dry-Cleaners or I.M. Kelly Automotive, where I previously worked. I have 3 grown children who previously attended Meadowside School then onto Latimer School.
Over the years, many people have approached me for advice and information about Burton Latimer. I felt by becoming a councillor I would be able to help solve some of the issues and support people who needed help. Thank you.

Councillor Antar Zaka
I have spent the past 24 years working for a large local company (Weetabix), where I became union representative (USDAW), an inclosing champion, and a mental health first aider steering group member. I advocate for workers’ rights and fostering a culture of equality and belonging in the workplace for all.
I am very passionate about equality, and I currently serve the East Midlands Region as an equality champion, promoting equality and opportunity access for all.
As a councillor of Burton Latimer, I have dedicated myself to ensuring that the growth of our town will be sustainable and attuned to the needs of our current residents. I believe in active listening when it comes to our community and making decisions that reflect our shared values. I’m excited to contribute to the future of Burton Latimer and to support initiatives that benefit everyone.
Some of my intentions are to work on finding solutions for well-known issues in the community, like parking places around schools during rush hour, and to ensure that the library hub is maintained for the community.
I want to continue the great work of my fellow councillors and ensure that it’s seen and built upon as we keep on making our town a better place than it already is.
Email: a.zaka@ntlworld.com

Councillor Gwyneth Mellors
My name is Gwyneth Mellors. I was born and brought up in Burton Latimer, attending the County Infants and Junior Schools (now St Mary’s Primary School).
After leaving school, I worked at Kettering Library, which included a day a week at Burton Latimer Library.
After attending university, I worked for Northamptonshire Library Service (32 years), the NCC Visual Impairment Unit (4 years), Tresham College (5 years), and 5 years with my own business as a home help (sole trader).
I attend St Mary’s Church, Burton Latimer and have had various Church Council responsibilities throughout the years.
I am a volunteer at the Burton Latimer Heritage Society and at Chester House Archaeological Research Centre.
I love gardening, reading, jigsaws, history, and hedgehogs and would like to encourage people to create hedgehog highways by leaving a gap in their fences.
Email: cllrgwyneth.mellors@burtonlatimertown.gov.uk

Councillor Barney Varnfield
I was born in Rosebery Street and have remained here in Burton Latimer my entire life. I went to the old infant school in Church Street before moving up to East Lea Primary School and then onto Bishop Stopford in Kettering for secondary education. My family moved to Poplar Road when I turned sixteen and then I moved with my wife to the Avenues where we still live today.
Most of my employment stayed in Burton Latimer, first working for Mix It in Higham Road, then AP Lewis in Duke Street, Mayfair in Finedon Street and then onto Weetabix for 20+ years. After leaving Weetabix I took the opportunity to continue my career as a health, safety and facilities manager for a company called Louis Vuitton.
I retired in 2020 due to ill health and now enjoy time in the shed working with wood and often fishing in the pocket park. Recently also supporting Burton Park Wanderers FC watching their home games when I can.
I have three children, one still living in Burton Latimer and six grandchildren four of whom attend schools in Burton Latimer.
I love the town and my aim is to see it thrive as it should. As members of the town, we all have the opportunity to be part of this and feel proud of where we live.
Email: cllrbarney.varnfield@burtonlatimertown.gov.uk

Lionel Thatcher
Tel: 01536 726 640
Email: townclerk@burtonlatimertown.gov.uk
Address: The Harold Mason Centre, 120 High Street, Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire, NN15 5RH
Your other Local Elected Representatives

Councillor Chris Smith-Haynes
Tel: 07818 061820
Email: chris.smith-haynes@northnorthants.gov.uk
Address: 12 Neuville Way Desborough NN14 2XT

Councillor Jan Ohara
Tel: 07889 448735
Email: jan.ohara@northnorthants.gov.uk
Address: 6 Bird Street Burton Latimer Northamptonshire NN15 5NA

Councillor John Currall
Tel: 07738 227367
Email: John.Currall@northnorthants.gov.uk
Address: 16 Westminster Drive Barton Seagrave Northants NN15 6GE
Member of Parliament

Rosie Wrighting MP
Email address: rosie.wrighting.mp@parliament.uk
Email: rosie.wrighting.mp@parliament.uk
Address: House of Commons London SW1A 0AA