Rachael Newman
Burton Latimer Community Managed Library
Tel: 01604 368150
Email: Burtonlatimercml@gmail.com
Our full Safeguarding Policy is available at the bottom of the page.
Report a safeguarding concern – North Northamptonshire
If the concern is urgent, contact our North Northamptonshire Council Customer Service Centre on 0300 126 3000.
We are committed to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults and protecting them from abuse when they are engaged in services we organise and provide.
We will ensure through our recruitment and selection policy that suitable people are selected for working with children and vulnerable adults. Where relevant- an Enhanced DBS will be obtained for staff.
We will take any concern made by a councillor, employee, volunteer or contracted service provider, child or vulnerable adult seriously and sensitively.
Referrals made by a councillor, employee, volunteer or contracted service provider cannot be anonymous and should be made in the knowledge that, during the course of enquiries, the agency who made that referral will be made clear as individuals and may be required as prosecution witnesses.
We will not tolerate harassment of any councillor, employee, volunteer, contractor, child or vulnerable adult who raises concerns of abuse.
We will work in cooperation with North Northamptonshire Council and will comply with the Northamptonshire Safeguarding Adults and Local Safeguarding Children Board Inter-Agency procedures. We will respond positively to any recommendations regarding the improvement of our safeguarding policies and procedures